What Are You Going To Charge?
Every single student I’ve ever had that had taken on a job before starting my program had underpriced their service. Pricing interior design projects is really hard when you’ve never done a project before! That’s because you don’t have the foresight to know and foresee the typical issues that you need to safeguard yourself against in your fees.
How can you price a decorating project when you don’t know how long a typical project takes? How do you know what to safeguard against in your fees? How do you know what people are willing to pay for the services you’re going to offer? How much can someone with your specific skillset ask for and how much are your potential clients willing to pay you for that service? How will you help your potential clients see the value in your services so that you can charge what you’re worth?
You Can Get The Answers To The Above By Doing The Following Things:
What are you going to charge for the services you are going to offer?